Another post! And again, I will count my many blessings if it kills me, dang it. I'm tired of feeling sad and worthless, so what better solution than finding the things that make me happy?
The sun has started shining again, and the temperature is beginning to (sporadically) climb into summer weather. This is sooooooo good!
I'm going on a third date in two days with a really beautiful girl that I like! Providing I can think of something to do....
I'm saving money! Slowly but surely. The dream of my own apartment is on the distant horizon.
My patriarchal blessing is wonderful to read.
Well....that's kind of everything at the moment. I suppose there are lots of other things that are blessings, that I'm lucky to have: my family, my health, my talents, relative comfort and ease here in America, a full-time job, etc. I'm very grateful for those things, too. So, yeah. It didn't really work, but maybe it'll kick in a bit later. Here's hopin!